We meet him for the first time on June 11. We fly to Vietnam, all of us, Mollia, Greta, Mom, and me, on June 9th. The people who have met An at the orphanage since we received the referral back in February report that he is just as engaging and joyful as he appears in these photos as well as the others that we have received.
There are a thousand little things to do before we leave next week. Next week! We are going to be on a plane early next Saturday morning. Surprisingly, most of the paperwork is ready to go. Our airline tickets have been purchased and we are waiting for confirmation from a hotel. It's all coming together. Despite all of the waiting and anticipation of the past year, I'm still in a state of shock that this is actually happening. That's just me, though. I like to pretend that I don't care one way or the other how things in this world turn out, so when the really good things come to pass, I get the full effect. It's some kind of coping tic I picked up in childhood.
So, we're on our way, far, far away. And he's coming home with us!